Meet the Team: Haley Bloomfield, HR Representative

My name is Haley! I originally started working for another one of Kennedy Care’s programs, Safe At Home Child Care, as a Child Care Specialist in 2017. Since joining the company, I have met so many amazing families and had the opportunity to build strong bonds with so many children. I received my business degree in 2020 and now work as an HR Representative for Dashi Rivers. I am so blessed to be working for such a loving and welcoming company alongside my twin sister, Hannah!

This photo was taken by my best friend Rachel who happened to capture me in my natural habitat. I love painting in all forms; something about creating anything new is relaxing to me.

This family photo of my boyfriend, Bradley, and our daughter, Leighton, is hands down my favorite picture! Brad and I met during our Freshman year of high school and we have been together for 9 years and counting!

This photo was difficult for me because I don't take many selfies. I feel like this photo shows my genuine smile and I did just get a haircut that I LOVE.

This photo was taken of some of the closest people in my life who came out to celebrate me graduating college. This was an incredibly important day to me because I worked so hard for my degree while juggling a full-time job and raising a little girl (Photo 6). I am forever grateful for my family and friends who made this day a priority to them!

This photo was taken of my twin sister Hannah, daughter Leighton, and myself. This was my daughter's first school field trip and it was an experience I had been looking forward to my whole life. I am so blessed to have a close relationship with my daughter <3

Haley, we are so happy to have you on our team, helping us find new team members to support our mission!


Spring-Themed Kids Sensory Activities


Meet the Team: Alexis Nedanis, Board Certified Behavior Analyst